We will hold your hand through the process

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Search all Central & Northern Wisconsin area listings to find your dream home today!

Looking for a new home?

Explore our listings if you’re looking to buy a home, and let us help you find the perfect place to start your next chapter.

Want to sell your home?

If you’re considering selling your home, trust our experienced team to guide you through the process and achieve the best possible outcome.


Why Choose Us

Welcome to the Wisconsin Real Estate Co. LLC website. Whether you’re new or experienced in the home buying and selling process, our comprehensive site will provide you helpful information to get you started on your next real estate endeavor.

Scott has over 20 years of experience as a professional forester combined with Real Estate services, which allows him to give buyers and sellers a level of expertise and knowledge unmatched throughout the state.

Trusted by Thousands

10 new offers every day. 350 offers on site, trusted by a community of thousands of users.

Wide Range of Properties

With a robust selection of popular properties on hand, as well as leading properties from real estate experts.

Financing Made Easy

Our stress-free finance department that can find financial solutions to save you money.


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